raphael raphael
disability studies +
digital film + transmedia

Co-editor, with S. Siddique. This book broadens the frameworks by which horror is generally addressed. Rather than being constrained by psychoanalytical models of repression and castration, the volume embraces M.M. Bakhtin’s theory of the grotesque body. For Bakhtin, the grotesque body is always a political body, one that exceeds the boundaries and borders that seek to contain it, to make it behave and conform. This vital theoretical intervention allows Transnational Horror Cinema to...

Co-Editor, with Russell Meeuf Thanks to the globalization of media, stars and celebrities are increasingly important figures in the transnational circulation of not only films but also ideas about identity and personhood. Combining a diverse range of case studies with an innovative collaborative discussion between leading scholars in star studies and transnational cinema, this book analyzes stars as sites of cross-cultural contestation...

Co-author, with Ginger Carlson Social networks are a growing part of our daily lives. But what people may not know is that these powerful and diverse online communities can also inform the way students learn, the way teachers teach and the way educators communicate and share ideas. Let’s Get Social is an instructional tool. In this book, educators can learn everything they need to know about integrating social learning at all grade levels...

Contributing Author “An invaluable resource not only for those new to teaching film but for those of us who have been working in the discipline for a long time and have grappled with many of the same issues addressed here.” Pamela Robertson Wojcik, University of Notre Dame

Contributing author Michael Jackson: Grasping the Spectacle includes essays that aim to understand Jackson from multiple perspectives: critical cultural theory, musicology, art history, media studies, cultural anthropology, sociology, philosophy, religious studies, literary theory, gender studies, performance studies, disability studies, film studies, & African-American studies. Intended for classroom use as well as research and general interest...

Author "Raphael's poems shimmer and sparkle with a joy of language that adds depth to the philosophy guiding his work. Like E.E. Cummings, he plays with words, shaping commentaries on love and life." -Melissa Hart, Author of Long Way Home "This collection of exuberant poems brings out the sentient, sensuous, and sensitive observer in all of us, with a healthy dose of humor and a perpetual sense of delight."-Cecelia Hagen, Author of Fringe Living

Contributor Like race and gender, disability history has recently become a critical field of study in examining our nation's heritage. Sparked by the disability rights movement of the late 20th century, disability history both expands and challenges the traditional American narrative of self-reliance, individualism, and opportunity and yields new understandings of such bedrock American values as community, family, and citizenship. From the asylum movement of the 19th century and the...