Guidance Session
Initial Meeting: Spetember 13, 2015
1. meet & greet: Carolyn and Caroline
2. project overview; general direction
3. immediate focus:
a. narrative:
-move novel from mainly laternal movement to tight narrative structure;
b. psychological research:
-intent is not realistic portrayal of schizotypal disorder, but i wnt it to be informed by basic knowledge of the condition; narrative economy will take precedence over 'reality'
c. test shot experiments:
-use of deep dream for screenshot images
-use of greenscreen dress
-early 16 mm - style footage
d. securing property
-option agreement negotiations
4. suggested films: incl. Das Experiment; Jacob's Ladder, Momento, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
5. other on-going projects, including:
-promotion for recently published 'Let's Get Social: The Educator's Guide to Edmodo': first print resource for Edmodo (55 million users / 85% of largest US school districts)
-initial work on Palgrave-MacMillian contracted book: 'Transnational Horror: Bodies of Excess and the Global Grotesque'